White Paint for Your Walls

White Paint for Your Walls

“Never underestimate the power of a fresh coat of white paint” - Jeramiah Brent (American interior designer and television personality, founder of Jeremiah Brent Design)

 Endless Possibilities

White is the essence of purity, providing a clean-cut aesthetic to any space when lit up. It is the most used colour in the world when painting homes, as a fresh coat of white paint provides an inviting and lively presence. The colour also enhances your home by creating the illusion of a larger space and making maximum use of natural light. The world is your playground with this colour as it provides endless opportunities to be paired with other colours.


If you’re worried about your space going out of style, fear not for white is a timeless colour and has been so for centuries, going back to the time when Athens was at the height of its power to the modern day. The colour white has been in every year's hot colour trends all over the globe. A white wall has the ability to captivate anyone gazing at it as it presents endless possibilities and takes hold of one's imagination.

The Right White

Many see all shades of white as the same colour, but in fact, there are countless shades of white with reddish, greenish and yellowish undertones. There are three categories of white shades that you need to know about: warm-toned (slightly shaded and not too bright), cool-toned (much lighter toned and adds dimension), and finally artesian whites (the purest white paints, most often used in works of art).

Remember, what’s white today might be yellow tomorrow. White paint, although beautiful, is very hard to maintain, especially in tropical climates like Sri Lanka. Multilac Brilliant White is formulated with Nano UVR plus Technology, safeguarding your colour and preserving your beauty, providing you with a timeless masterpiece for your home. 


